At 4:19am, our beautiful baby son entered the world weighing 6 Lbs., 14 Oz. and measuring 19.75 Inches in length. He had a FULL head of gorgeous golden Brown to Blonde hair, which looked curly at first when wet. Later, we found the hair to be quite straight with a natural left part. It looked like he had just came from the salon with golden highlights put in his hair!! His eyes were steel, dark blue with Blonde eyebrows and lashes. He had a perfectly shaped nose and big, full red lips. He was the most handsome baby we have every seen. Come to find out, he was a spitting image of Mark when he was a baby.
I had to push for 1.5 hours, which was truly the toughest thing I have ever endured. Even with the epidural, giving birth was grueling and so long. I was never thirstier in my life and was only given tiny ice chips, hand fed by Mark, which did nothing to satisfy my thirst. It was all worth it when little Mitch was placed in my arms. I couldn't believe how perfect he was and that we had created this child. He was actually here now! After going through all that, I was never more tired in my life and was having trouble keeping my eyes open. From the time my water broke to getting checked into the recovery room, 24 hours had elapsed. Whew.... I remember getting in bed and telling Mark that I would never do that again - now a few weeks later, I'll probably change my mind! I really meant it at the time, though. Women go through so much, you really have a newfound respect for moms.